Michelle & I had a super fun day today. We trekked out to the City of Carson this morning, leaving the SFV just after 8. After arriving at the convention center, we were both in awe over all of the vendors and things to look at and all of the wonderful ideas. It was a little overwhelming, but we dove right in. We started out with a cute 'make it and take it card".

. We couldn't leave until after 3, because I (Kim) entered a 4x6 postcard contest. It was a new category and there were only 4 entries, but, I won 2nd place, which was a $20 gift certificate! Exciting huh? Here's a picture of the card I designed:

In between the make and takes, we shopped, snapped some photos, shopped more, ate lunch, rested and shopped some more. We bought lots of stuff and made some really cool projects. I'll have to post those later. After spending my gift certficate we headed to Uncle Ronny Toguchi's house...He was celebrating his birthday with a Seafood Extravaganza. Our Dad is quite a talented cook, EVERYONE loves his boulliabaise (Uncle Ron's favorite). All I can say is ONO (delicious in Hawaiian for all of our non-Hawaiian friends). We had all kinds to eat, we started with pupu's (appetizers), like opihi, sashimi, won tons, chips & salsa...you name, it was proably there!

We ate So much! After eating, we headed home and shot the Downtown Los Angeles skyline.

and the pretty sunset. Well, here's just a little snipit of our adventurous day! We will be back to working on Sassy things...

Malama pono,
Kim & Michelle
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